Binary mathematics is consisted of two numbers, 0 and 1, known as binary numbers. Used in electronic circuits and logic gates, binary numbers are used world wide for computers to mobile phones.    
I have learn something new last week to use in wiring - transistors. These little things have two types, NPN and PNP . This is what it looks like:

NPN (3904) transistor

PNP (3906) transistor

the front view of the transistors have three points: Emitter (left), base (center), and collector (right).
My class is now starting a new topic - capacitance. The formulas for capacitance are different to resistance and have new units. Here's the new about it:

Formulas for Capacitance
Q=C*V    OR    C=Q/V

Q is the charge in Coulombs (1 Coulomb = 1.24*10^18 electrons)
C is the capacitance in Farads
V is the voltage in Volts

In Parallel

In Series
1/CT= 1/C1+1/C2+1/C3...+1/Cn
Inductance is has the same calculations as resistance, but a different style. This is what it looks like:

Series circuit:

Lt = L1+L2+...Ln

Parallel circuit:

Lt= 1 + 1 +... 1 
     L1   L2     Ln